Monetize Your Skill(s) Membership Training


Monetize Your Skill(s), validate your business idea and launch with ease!


Monetize Your Skill(s) membership training walks you through finding skills you enjoy and the problem the skills solve. With this knowledge you can turn your skills into a business. We also talk about ways to validate a business, before you go out and spend thousands on a business the market doesn’t believe is viable. The skills you will learn in the free training are skills you can use repeatedly as you venture into the world of business.


In week one we delve into all the mindset shackles holding you back. You know you were destined for something greater than what is currently showing up in your life. But you are struggling to move forward. The mindset shift exercises and discussions in week one will get those juices flowing! To get a glimpse of what we tackle through the course, check out the FREE TRAINING

Week two: We start mining all the skills you have and match those skills to a problem that needs to be solved. Because is it even a business if it is not solving a problem?

Week three: In week three we validate. To monetize your skill(s) you first need to know if a market that is big enough exists. In this week we go through all the ways to validate your idea and we host a live so you can get in real life feedback on your idea.

Week four: We launch! After you have gone through an extensive validation process, it is time to launch your MVP- minimum viable product. We will show you how to do this for your online business without spending thousands of rands without any guarantee. We also use this week to go back to the drawing board. If your idea is not well received by the market, we go back to the drawing board. Luckily, by this stage of the training, all the skills you have learned you can now apply by yourself.

This training offers skills that go beyond the current business you have in mind. You can utilize these skills going forward in business and in any area that needs other people’s buy-in.


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