paying clients

How to Find Your First Paying Clients for Your Online Business

Hey, Mama, your business is finally ready to serve but you have no paying clients. How to find your first paying clients for your online business? It can be a daunting experience but, we will look at a few options and walk you through. By the end of this article, you will be able to confidently try out the different strategies to find paying clients. And if you are still struggling to find a business, check out The Best Way to Discover Your Authentic Business.

paying clients

Know Your Ideal Client

It is imperative to know exactly who you are looking to serve, so you can speak to them directly. If your business is ready to go, I am pretty sure you have a clear idea on who your ideal client is? Now it is time to go and find them online. When I started out, it felt like crickets. I was ready to help moms create and run businesses that are authentic to them, yet it seemed there were nowhere to be found. I soon realised I was looking in the wrong places online. And utilising the wrong strategies.

I believed in, build it and they will come philosophy! What a mess. It no longer works to hope people will find you. You need to put yourself in front of them. And we will explore how to do that.

Strategies to Find Your First Paying Clients Online

SEO Marketing to Find Paying Clients

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a digital marketing strategy to help improve visibility on search engines. How do you improve your website’s visibility through SEO? You find keywords that your potential client types into search engines like Google and Bing. For example, you probably landed on this article through Google by typing in how to find clients, or how to find paying clients online or even help me find paying clients. Any of these keywords have landed you here.

This article helps you, and it helps my search rank which means more people will ultimately start landing on my website. The more traffic you have the higher your chances of landing a client who is looking for exactly what you offer.

Do note that SEO is a long-term strategy. You will need to be patient and consistent to help search engines trust and rank your site.

Keywords are very important here; they are the gold nugget that will lead your paying clients to your website. So, take time to do keyword research using platforms like Google Keyword Planner.

Leverage Your Existing Network

Do not underestimate your current network. Ask your family and friends if they know of someone who needs your services or product(s). Make it clear to them that you are available as a plus one to industry events, and when you are there make the effort to get to know people. This is how you will expand your own network, and then you can rinse and repeat.

You can leverage your existing network’s social media too. Ask your family and friends to share your business, and to sing your praises as a person they know. You can go as far as offering a referral program for your network. When they bring in paying clients, you will offer them commission. Who does not like to make money? This also gives them some incentive to turn into your on the ground lead generation agents. A win-win.

Optimize Your Online Presence

You must make sure that your potential clients have somewhere to go after your family and friends refer them. Create a clean and easy to navigate website, that clearly states what you do and how you can help. Be active on your social media, make sure your bio states how you can help-keywords are important here. Write SEO-friendly blog posts that showcase your knowledge. Be helpful, generous and consistent and before you know it, your paying clients will come to you.

Join Online Communities Where Your Clients Hang Out

Your paying clients are in online communities, find out which communities they are part of. When in the community, your only goal is to be helpful, leave comments that answer people’s questions. Yes, of course, showcase the knowledge you have on a specific matter, this means you may respond to questions about what you know. What you don’t want to do is get on these communities and spam them with your offers.

The best way to do engage, is to answer a question for someone and then every now and then link to a blog post you have written about the matter. This keeps you helpful and it also increases eyeballs to your site. And again, the more traffic on your site, the higher your chances of converting visitors into paying clients.

Offer Free Value

People want to know that what they are paying for will be worth it. Create a free training, or a sample of your product to give them a chance to make an informed decision. Free value can be controversial, as some people live off the free stuff. But those are not the clients you want anyway. Create a great free offer so that the people who are serious about their transformation are so blown away. They have no choice but to discover what the paid version has in store for them.

You can also offer free value through your blog posts and social media posts and YouTube! Give your potential paying clients the opportunity to get a piece of your teaching style, or a taste of your product and imagine how different their lives would look with your product in it.

Email Marketing to Convert to Paying Clients

Once you have offered your free training or free sample, you have these potential clients in your sales funnel. It is time to nurture them through the journey. This can look like teaching them more about the product of service you offer, you can offer them exclusive promos. You can also find other products or services that compliment your services or products and recommend it to your potential clients. For this part, it is a good idea to partner with other businesses.

Partnering with other businesses in your email marketing strategy will expose you to their client base and yours to them. Another, win-win.


Let your strategy be about being helpful and generous. Focus on the needs of your potential clients. When people can feel that you have thought about their problems more than they have, it is easier for them to trust you. And we all know that people buy, not just the service of product, but the person too. Be trustworthy, generous and helpful and paying clients will make their way to you.

Get laser focused on your keywords and this comes from intimately knowing what your clients are looking for. Partner with complimentary businesses, run impactful email campaigns and offer promos that actually feel like a gift.

It may all feel overwhelming but, you don’t have to do it all at once. Pick a strategy you feel will impact your business the most right now, and then work your way up from there.

You’ve got this, Mama!

Until next time, I wish you the courage to live the life of your dreams!

Bye, Mama Xx


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