The Best Way to Discover Your Authentic Business

Hey, Mama, in a world that feels oversaturated, it can become overwhelming to figure out how to discover your authentic business. Everything feels taken and more than that, all these businesses are thriving. You feel discouraged because you are late in the game. I am here to assure you that you are not late in the game. There is a business that is the best fit for you. And in this post will talk about how to find your ideal business.

How to Discover Your Authentic Business

Get Your Mindset Right

It all starts with your mindset. This is only a cliche because it is true. Your mind is a tool, a powerful tool at that and you need to train yourself to use it well. Our mind is trained to help us survive; we are responsible for training it to help us thrive. You are going to need to believe in yourself. And at first it may not be for the big things. You can start by believing you are the kind of person who does what you said you would do.

If you tell yourself, you are going to start waking up early, know without a shadow of a doubt that you will. And the only way you become an early riser is by rising early. I read a quote the other day and it said, “Actions prove who someone is, words just prove who they pretend to be.” And I was like ‘whoa that is so damn true!’

Now, you need to ask yourself, are you someone who takes action or are you a pretender? Sobering thought, right?

To discover your authentic business, tell and believe yourself to be an action focused person. You execute and not just talk about the things you want to do.

Audit Your Skills

A business comes from using your skills to solve a problem people are facing. Take a piece of paper and on one side write down all the skills you have, on the other side write down what problem that skill can solve. For example, baking is a skill, and it can solve a problem for someone looking to buy a birthday cake or scones for a funeral. Or you have skills in website creation, you then solve the problem for people looking to launch a website. If you cannot think of what problem a skill can solve, you can leave it blank for now.

Once you have written the above down, you can turn to AI to help you discover more of your potential skills.

Here is the prompt to use on ChatGPT: I am looking to start a business, I need you to help me make a list of skills I have based on who I am and different roles I have played (write down a few things about who you are and the roles you have been in, include years and some of your achievements) With this information please make a list of skills, possible simple to start business ideas, provide steps and ways to scale each business.

discover your authentic business

Revisit Your Passions to Discover Your Authentic Business

Maybe the skills above do not reflect your passions. It is possible to be skilled in something you do not love. If that is the case with you then it is time to revisit your passions.

Make a list of all the things you are passionate about. Can your passions be turned into a profitable business? Here comes our trusted Chat GPT, this is the prompt: I am looking to start a profitable business based on my passions, (insert a list of your passions). Provide ways to start the business and bridge any possible gaps within each industry.

Interrogate Your Values

You now have possible business ideas based on your skill and passions. It is time to make sure that these businesses align with your values. We often inherit values from our childhood based on the people who raised us, and we rarely revisit these values to check if they still align with who we are now. When launching a business, you need to remember that it will take every part of you. It is important to know what anchors you in this journey.

Here is an exercise to help you interrogate your values.

Discover Your Authentic Business through your values

Next Chapter values

Time to Test, Your Way to Discover Your Authentic Business

Once you have your idea and your values down packed, it is time to test it with real people. Who is this solution for? Where does this person hang out on social media and in real life?

You are going to put your idea out there and see how many people are keen. The easiest and most cost-effective way to test if an idea will win in the market, is to create a waiting list. A waiting list is a form you can create with your CRM software. You talk about how your idea can make someone’s life easier and if they are keen to learn more, they should sign up.

The validity of your idea will be measured by the number of sign-ups you get. It is important that you market your waiting list. You definitely do not build the business, yet. You first test if it is even something people are looking for. To the people who do sign up, make sure you nurture them through your email marketing, ask them questions that will help you in the next step.

Iterate As You Grow

An idea is hardly ever perfect when it first occurs, and it is not possible to think of every person’s need. This is why asking those who are interested in what you want to build, what they need. Find out how you can make it easier for them to engage with your business when it launches. And add the parts that align with your overall mission. It is also important to remember that your business may not look as exactly as you want it to, but if your focus is on service then it will be exactly what the market you serve needs.


The market is not saturated because the market doesn’t have your unique flavour to it. There is nothing new under the sun, everything is an iteration of something else. To discover your authentic business, be true to yourself. Believe in your skills and passions and your ability to show up for the commitments you make to yourself. Everything else is consistency and the courage to keep testing and asking the relevant people (your potential clients) how to best serve them.

You’ve got this, Mama!

Until next time, I wish you the courage to live the life of your dreams!

Bye, Mama Xx


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