business is struggling

What to Do When Your Business is Struggling

Hey, Mom. I went to church this morning. The pastor read Mark 5 verse 21-43, the story of Jarius and the women who suffered bleeding for 12 years. Both stories showcase what happens when you have faith. In these trying times, these stories made me think about what one does when one’s business is struggling.

business is struggling

The Creator Heals in Response to Faith

In this blog post, I hope to inspire you to look at your business again and make sure God is in the center of all your plans. To remind you of what an honourable responsibility it is to be able to help God’s people through your business. And lastly, to have the utmost faith in God, even though the size of a mustard seed will suffice.

Business is struggling, is God in it?

Often times we make our own plans and leave God out of it. We tend to remember to call on Him when things take a bad turn and often by then, we are so far from his teachings. It makes it hard to diagnose what went wrong with the business, we have no idea why our business is struggling.

Revisit Your Business Values

The very first thing we need to so is revisit our business values. What are they? Do they align with God’s values? Have we expressed these values in our business dealings? Has integrity left the orbit of our business? And if so, how can we rebuild? Have we treated our clients with kindness and fairness? Does our business seek to help those who are less fortunate or are we just looking out for ourselves?

Place God in the Middle of Your Struggling Business

Once you have revisited your values, place God in the middle of your business. Rework any and all values that do not align with God’s teachings. Ask yourself in earnest, ‘How can I be of service, today?’ and wait on the answer the Holy Spirit convicts you with. The truth is, we often know what the right thing to do is, the answer is fleeting and so we ignore it and go with a worldly response. A response void of compassion because our bottom-line seems more important than the people we were sent out to help.

Ask God to go before you, to make you His vessel and give you the courage to slow down enough to hear his guidance throughout the day. And remember, if it is not straightforward and full of confusion it is not from God.

Remember Your Business is a Calling

Your business is a ministry, it is a calling, and if you do not see it that way, I urge you to consider it. There is a reason why we learn hard lessons about ourselves when we embark on building a business. It is not just a physical act but a spiritual one. When you start a business, at the core level, it is to help others with a problem or assist them to fulfill a desire. Your business is a ministry to God.

If your goal is to help others, what are you currently doing in your business? Is it truly helpful to your clients? Are you putting your clients first? Or do you see them as your servants now? Are you operating as someone who is doing your clients a favour? Have you forgotten the responsibility you have been honoured with.

Trust God with Your Business

After you have gone through your business with a fine-tooth comb. When you are certain you are doing all you know how to serve your clients in line with God’s teachings. Then it is time to surrender and trust God. Like the woman who bled for 12 years and still had faith, that all she had to do was touch Jesus’ robe and she will be healed. You need to have faith that God is with you even in the storm. Know with every fibre of your being that God wants you to succeed, He wants you to add to the world, that is why you are here. The storm is to mould you and propel you to serve His people in a manner that glorifies Him.


We can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us, is a real thing. But for God to do His part, He needs to be invited. We need to connect with Him, and beyond everything, we truly need to be in the business of making the world a better place for all in it. God wants us to flourish together. Make God the centre and trust Him like Jarius did, when it seemed to all that his daughter was dead, God told her to get up! And she did. God can turn around a struggling business, even when you are convinced there is no way out.

I hope you are encouraged, mama. This message struck a chord with me this morning and I was called to share it with you.

Until next time, I wish you the courage to live the life of your dreams!

Bye, Mama Xx


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