Identify your profitable skills

How To Identify Your Profitable Skill(s)

Mom, yesterday we started our Monetize Your Skill series looking at mindset. This week we dive into identifying your profitable skills with confidence.

Let us assume you did the exercise from yesterday and you have got some idea what your limiting beliefs are, and you are now working on them, great! It is now time to delve into identifying what skills we have and how profitable they are, as in does the market want what you offer?

How to Identify Your Skills?

I know the moment someone asks you to list your skills, your brain freezes up! What is even a skill, right? I have been there. There are a few work arounds to this, and we will discuss some of them. In our membership we go through a step-by-step hack process to help you sort through your skill set.

Here are a few ways to identify your skill set, brain dump, ask your people and develop one.

The Brain Dump

  1. Write down everything you know how to do.
  2. Sort the list into things you enjoy doing and things you do not.
  3. Research the skills you are good at and enjoy, is there a need for your skill set?
  4. If there is a need, is the size of the market profitable?

Ask Your People

This one is self-explanatory. Take a peek at these 70 questions to ask others about you, from My Question Life

  1. Pick three sets of people 1) People you are close to, 2) associates and 3) people who have asked you for help
  2. What are the top three emergencies would you call for my help in and why?
  3. What skill or quality have you noticed in me?
  4. What do you believe is my blind spot and how can I fix it?

Develop A Skill

Develop a skill, and this is working backwards.

  1. Research a profitable skill to learn.
  2. Make sure it is not too far out but, stretches you.
  3. Learn the skill
  4. Start your business.

You may not be passionate about the new skill but if you are competent, you will do well. Contrary to popular belief, your passion is not always profitable. And in this case, you will need to make time for your passion outside of your skill.

The exciting news is, depending on the skill you can automate your business, that way after a steep learning curve, you will not have to spend most of your time doing the work.

Identifying Your Profitable Skills

The quest to identifying profitable skills does not have to be a hard one. It is important to suspend self-doubt and ask all the questions to get us to the answers that move us forward.

Mom, it is time to get a move on, that business that will give you the life of freedom is not going to build itself. If all of this feels overwhelming, join us in our membership group and step-by-step we will dissolve the self-doubt, cultivate a growth mindset, offer support and find your validated and profitable business. Click the image below, see you there!

monetize your skills

Until next time, I wish you the courage to live the life of your dreams!

Bye, Mama xx


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