create coaching offers

Create Coaching Offers That Sell

Hey, coach mom are you struggling to create coaching offers that sell? You have so much knowledge about your niche, and you want to teach as many people as possible. The problem is your audience does not how much they need to learn. Your audience just want a solution to a particular problem they have right now. You need to find what that problem is, before you launch into creating offers people do not understand or want.

Know Your Offers

Create coaching offers

In this blog post we will discuss different offers to make sure your coaching business always has money coming in. To create coaching offers that sell need you to know what problems your target audience is facing. We will look at how to find your target audiences’ problem. The importance of using their words to define their problem and how to create content that communicates the solution. And why it is crucial to make your checkout process as seamless as possible.

Define Your Target Audiences’ Problem

You know you have a skill that can help people overcome a certain problem. But your target audience does not know that you have that skill. What do you do? You talk about the skill you have. For example, you have been able to build a virtual nail studio and scale it to half a million rand in two years. To get to this level of mastery, you had to go through the beginners and intermediatory stages. This means you can teach a beginner all the way to the level you are at now.

However, you need to meet you target market where she is. Is she a beginner? What were your struggles when you started? This is the content you create so your audience can find you. You talk about your struggles, and you sell how you overcame those struggles.

How to Create Coaching Offers That Sell

Going back to the virtual nail tech example, you will need to create offers that cover every part of your client’s journey. But you do not have to do it all at once.

Base Level

Let us start with the beginner, all beginners need to learn the same thing in most cases. In this case, the beginner wants to learn how to create press-on nails. You can pre-record this, making sure you detail every single step of how to source, prep and create the nails. This can then be sold to your beginners as a course. It has one result, to solve the problem of not knowing how to create press-on nails. Once you have created this course, you do not need to keep servicing it, unless there are updates and new methods to making press-on nails.

In your offering suite, this course is your base level. This means hundreds of people can enrol and take this course without you having to hold their hand through the process. This is your passive stream and costs the least in your suite.

Create a Mid-level Coaching Offer

To create a mid-level coaching offer that sells, it needs to have result milestones. This means there are multiple steps that lead to milestones results. Your beginner has now completed her course on how to create press-on nails but is now struggling with how to get clients. Your mid-level course can teach the strategies you used to find clients. This is where you can offer social media templates, share potential partnerships, educate on how to setup a website that ranks etc. Multiple steps that lead to one result, getting clients.

This offer can be structured as a membership with a private group for all the virtual nail techs looking to land clients. You can offer weekly or monthly group calls; you can run a weekly live in your private group. In essence this level gives your clients access to you and there is accountability and continuation. To create coaching offers, you need to think about your client’s journey, where does she ultimately want to land up?

Mid-level in your offering suite costs more than your base level but less than top tier.

Top Tier Offering

Top tier is ultimate access to you and your knowledge. To create coaching offers in the top tier you need to be ready to clone yourself. You are going to share every piece of information that has enabled you to scale your business to half a million rand in two years or a million rand. The client who purchases the top tier coaching package wants what you have, a million-rand business.

Top tier clients are your one-on-one clients, they have full access to you and your processes. This level of coaching is labour intensive on your part, this means only a few spots are available for this level. Depending on where you price this, you can afford to cap your intake to four students a year.

The Importance of Seamless Checkout

You create coaching offers that sell but your checkout is a hotmess! This is bad for business. Again, you need to have all your clients in mind. The beginner is taking a big risk trusting you will teach her all she needs to know about making press-on nails. Yes, it is not a huge monetary risk compared to your other offers, but it is a personal financial risk for her. And if your beginner is having a hard time with your check out process, you can forget about the mid-level and top tier clients coming in.

Make sure your store has a payment gateway that offers multiple ways to pay so your client is not stuck on how to pay for your services. You may want to check out this article on What You Need to Run a Successful Online Business.


Creating coaching offers that sell can seem like a daunting task. But as shown above, if you break down the skills you have gained through your journey, you are more than equipped to create offers that sell. And mostly importantly, listen to what your audience wants. I have course that helps you figure out your profitable skills, and start a business that people actually want because it solves their problem. Inside we work on all the steps you need to launch with confidence and ease. The course will be launching mid-July 2024, stay tuned for more details.

Until, next time, I wish you the courage to live the life of your dreams!

Bye, Mama Xx


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